
Garden Decor Ideas: Considering Different Types of Containers

In this article we will look at very interesting garden decor ideas you can implement at home without breaking the bank by using different types of containers. For example, old fashioned household items can be interesting, but they are not always attractive in their own right. Planting densely so that there is just a hint of the container produces the right effect without being obtrusive. A wall pot in the form of an elegant mask can be planted quite simply with Sweet Alyssum. Such a combination can transform an uninteresting wall or fence for very little cost or effort. It is important not to over plant charming containers, we do want the container to stand out.

An upright container nestling among plants in a border, perhaps with trailers such as small leaved ivies tumbling down the sides to mingle with border plants can also provide an element of surprise. Placing garden mirrors strategically will add impact to the overall look as well as creating illusion in your garden. It is worth having a few small plants in ordinary kitchen cups, soup bowls, or even an old teapot without its lid, which can be set on the patio table when you entertain. AS these containers will have no drainage holes, the plants must be watered very carefully and kept out of the rain, otherwise they will become waterlogged and the plants will die.

Instead of throwing away old paint tins, put them to use as plant containers. Drill some holes in the bottom for drainage, then paint the outsides white to obliterate the lettering, using gloss or outdoor emulsion paint. When that is dry, use a brightly colored paint to create a drip effect. Traditional metal tins may produce stains if the start to rust, but many modern cans are plastic and cause no problem.

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