Boating / Sports

Gear Up for Tuna Fishing

Fishing offshore for Tuna can be one of the most satisfying outdoor adventures for an angler. While these prized fish are great excitement one must have the right gear before ever attempting to take on one of these behemoths of the brine.

There are many different suggestions for Tuna fishing gear and while every angler is advised to seek out their own information on equipment there are some general items that are all but required to land one of these fish.

When trying to land one of these fish a heavy duty big game rod is a requirement. While in most cases a 50 lbs. rod will handle the job, if you are attempting to bring in a true trophy an unlimited class rod will serve you far better. These fish can weigh more than 1000 lbs. and can swim at speeds up to 60 mph. which can destroy conventional rods.

Reels should be in the 130 lbs class. While expensive these reels are ideal for big game fishing.

You will want to load this reel with line in the nature of 25 – 50 lbs. test at the least, and you will need No.9 to No.10 hooks. These hooks are about three inches long, and viciously barbed, which ensures a good grip of these fish. Bait should consist of Slap jack, mackerel, squid and other bait fish, or large trolling lures which can actually be bigger than many freshwater fish.

A gaff hook, or harpoon will assist in ending the battle against these fish as many times when guiding them to the boat with the leader they will make a run underneath the boat and pull free.

The correct Tuna fishing gear will cost you a pretty penny, however the exhilaration and enjoyment you will gain by putting the money into the correct gear with be truly priceless. Once you land your first you will be hooked.

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