
Properly Sizing a Weight Lifting Belt

There are many reasons why someone might wear a weight lifting belt when they are working out.  Perhaps you have injured your back and need some extra support, have problems with a hernia or are simply lifting heavy loads.   Whatever the reason you need to wear one, a belt will help you to avoid injury now and protect any injuries that you have only if you wear it right.  Here are a few tips on wearing your belt the correct way.

The first thing that you have to do is make sure that you find a belt that fits.  Belts come in different sizes both in width and in length.  The width across your back varies from four to six inches.  Smaller lifters will want to use smaller weight lifting belts, while larger lifters will usually find larger belts give them more support.  However, some taller lifters might prefer smaller belts, so it is sometimes a matter of personal choice what belt you use.

You also have to make sure that the belt is the right length for you.  Belts come in sizes ranging from extra small to extra larger and bigger.  If you opt for a nylon belt with a quick release latch, you should be able to fit nearly any belt on you.  The problem with getting a belt too big will be that the end of the belt will wrap around too far.  If you opt for a leather belt however, you have to be more careful.  The holes that are drilled into the leather to strap the belt on should be just right to give you a snug fit around your core.  IF they don’t, then the belt won’t do you as much good as it otherwise would.

If you’ve had an injury or are lifting heavy with squats and deadlifts a weight lifting belt can help you to lift more and prevent injuries.  However, it will only do so if you find the right one.  Make sure that you find a belt that fits your prefect for the best workout possible.

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