Art & Design

Wild rugs for a wild room

Did you happen to come across a rug or two while out at the local rug store that just left you pondering the type of room and décor that the rug might go with? For many people some of these area rugs are just to far beyond their normal décor that they have a hard time getting their mind around the different design possibilities. So here are a few different rugs and the different rooms that they are used in just to give you a better understanding of what is out there to design your room with.

The lime green rug is first up in the line up. This rug is often passed by simply because it is too bright of a color for most people to decorate with. What they fail to realize is that a rug of this color is the perfect thing to use to draw people into the room. What could be more of a conversation piece than a retro styled room all centered around a large lime green area rug? Or if retro is not your thing how about some nice white leather furniture for a more modern feel. Either way a bright rug like this can really make the room.

Decorating with a zebra rug is probably one of those things that you would never in a million year do, but I am here to tell you that if done right can yield amazing results. The problem most people face with using a rug like this is that they just throw stuff together with it that does not really match. What you need to do is follow a theme like a wild jungle theme or an African theme to get the best results with the zebra rug.

As you can plainly see almost anyone can use these unique rugs within their house.

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