
Keys To Air Travel Comfort

If you do not travel frequently and are about to embark on a long haul flight then this article is for you.  We list a number of travel strategies and tips designed to increase your comfort and overall travel experience so that you arrive refreshed at your final destination.

It’s a good idea to travel light.  You don’t want to be arguing at the check in counter over overweight limits.  Far better to prepare in advance and purchase a set of lightweight suitcases on wheels.  Rather than sticking to black or browns choose a bold color – even a hot pink suitcase if you dare – for easy identification.  Then make a list of everything you plan to take along but then only pack the items that you will wear more than once.

Remember that there are restrictions on carry on liquids and gels.  For ease of reference remember the 3-1-1 rule.  You are allowed 3 ounce containers packed in one plastic bag that is 1 quart in size.   Make sure that any toiletries you pack in the checked luggage are in good quality containers and to be extra safe place your toiletry bag inside a protective plastic bag.

While on board you will be prone to dehydration.  Cut back on caffeine and alcohol both on and prior to the flight to cut this down.  If you suffer from dry lips, eyes and skin be sure to pack a lip balm, eye drops and a skin moisturizer in your carry-on.

Dress for comfort.  Draw string pants are more comfortable than pants that require a belt.  You will also get through security quicker.  The same goes for loose-fitting shoes and feet tend to swell during long flights.  Layers are a good idea so that you can either add an extra layer on or remove a layer as temperatures change on the plane and in the airport halls.

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