
Love Yourself With These 3 Steps

If you feel unsure of yourself then I have 3 steps that will help you to gain your self esteem back. First I would like to say that self esteem is not something that you gain or lose. Having self esteem is your natural state, gaining low self esteem is a learned belief because of challenges you face and aren’t sure how to overcome. When you get told, or tell yourself, you aren’t good enough then eventually you believe it.

1. Just be yourself
You may be having a hard time fitting in, and that is probably because you are trying to fit the mold you think everyone around you wants you to fit. Stop thinking what they want and tell yourself honestly what you want. Be accepting of this and realize that no one’s perfect, mistakes are made sometimes by us all.

2. Be a risk taker
Taking risks means trying new experiences: ew food, new restaurants, new friends, new malls, new clothes, and anything you can think. If you stop trying new things then you are letting fear take hold and run your life. You are no longer in control.

3. Comparing yourself to others is detrimental
You should worry only with how well you are doing based upon your own efforts of improvement. You were given the body you have, and the life you are living, not the body and life of someone else. Judging yourself based on another is the same as saying they are more valuable than you. It is demeaning the greatness that is you.

Take these 3 steps to heart and you will build self esteem in no time. These words of inspiration are timeless and can be used every day and by everyone. The main question now is when are you going to start, and how serious will you take it?

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