
The Kindle DX Has the Potential to Revolutionize Education

The Kindle DX is one of the very bright spots in American innovation. In November of 2007 released the first edition of the Kindle and released it to great praise. Millions of people have no purchased the kindle and are reaping the many benefits it provides. There are many features that help further the cause of educating a ever increasing global population.

The storage capacity of the Kindle is very large. It can store up to 3500 books at one time. Think about how quickly you can read  a book now think about having a list of books to read through that is 3500 books long! You can store your entire library on the kindle and cut back on all the books you have in your home. Of course you’ll want to keep your favorite books around in case of an emergency and you cant power your kindle but for all those fun novels and books you’ll probably only read once you can just put them on your kindle and spare the trees that are used for paper!

The Kindle DX is a great replacement for college textbooks. As more textbooks are going to digital form the Kindle DX will be the preferred tool to view them on because of their large screens and crisp E-ink text and graphics imaging. The screen is 9.7″ inches measured diagonally so its perfect for viewing the large formatting that typically comes in textbooks but also newspapers and magazines.

My favorite part of the Kindle is the seamless integration with Wikipedia. I know this doesn’t seem very flashy but the reading experience you have will greatly improve as you are able to clarify references authors make in a matter of seconds so you dont have to assume or just move on in the book. Because of this integration readers will learn more and learn faster. Follow the link for a full Kindle DX review.

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